About Octopus
Octopus.ru is a free online magazine in Russian about diving.
It is created for divers by divers.
It was first published in 1998 and earned a long established authority among the Russian speaking divers’ society.
Its monthly audience up to February 1, 2014 is 10 000+.
It is updated daily.
Main magazine sections include:
— news on scuba diving, free diving and underwater hunting;
— new equipment and corresponding reviews;
— photo and video materials;
— traveling;
— blogs;
— event calendar; and
— humor.
If you would like to write about diving or share your diving filming and photography, or want to tell our readers about your equipment, dive resort, diving activities in support of diving, new technologies and techniques that you use for training and development of diving in Russia and the world, nature conservation projects, ecological and scientific activities in which you participate, or any other event in diving, or you are interested in media sponsorship — we are ready to publish your submissions in our magazine. Contact us via magazine@octopus.ru.
Would you like to advertise in our magazine? Check out our forms of advertising and prices by contacting our advertising service via adv@octopus.ru.
Популярные записи
- Азотный наркоз. О чем молчат учебники по дайвингу. - 53 804 просмотра(ов)
- Ловля камчатского краба как она есть - 37 202 просмотра(ов)
- Что происходит, когда молния ударяет в океан? - 32 570 просмотра(ов)
- Собаки для воды - 25 618 просмотра(ов)
- Российская Арктика. История освоения - 25 011 просмотра(ов)